Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hello All,

I am terrible at this Blog thing.. very busy driving Everett to and from Therapy sessions..
Ev is doing well, I've been able to get him out of his wheelchair and walking (with help) with a quad cane. His body is still weak and his ankle & knee still are not strong enough or straight enough to walk on a permanent basis, a wheelchair is still very much needed.

Sadly the ChipIn page service is ending.. I will have a new way to generate a fundraiser for Ev so we can purchase a suitable wheelchair, AFO (for his leg) and other medical devices that are very costly! Ughhh

For the last 1 1/2 month Ev has been testing for his IEP (Individual Educational Plan) to get back into we had the Big meeting on Tuesday... boy was that a long meeting! All went well and Ev will be getting the services that he deserves, as well as the district having him evaluated by aTBI specialist. He will not sty this way he's getting better!!!

Ev had his first official day back at school yesterday. It started out with nausea and a headache.. after lying down for 45 min he got up and said yes he can work! He made it untill 3pm! The Gilroy Distpatch followed him and took some awesome photos of him working in his classes. Not sure when the article will be published.

Everett talks a lot more these days, pieces of his memory is back, visual reading memory is back.. He is working on fine motor skills with his right hand, and his short term memory that is very much lacking in memory.
Each day is an improvement in his Life!! I love that he has such a good attitude and is eager to relearn all that he already knew, his great sense of humor is intact and he can find humor in his small mistakes.
I love to se Ev's huge smile when accomplishes his work, small victories.. as he raises his hands in the air pretending the scream n yell like a crowd...

Most days he works on the Nook the school provided him with, he works on educational games, reading, letters, and memory games. He remembered how to use the computer and write down the names of his favorite bands,,, His all time fav is Green Day, he often sings their songs.. Wake me up when September Ends.  Anyone out there know Green Day??? Anyone anyone He would love to meet them!!!

More to come, It's time for dinner!

This is Ev enjoying homemade breakfast at school.. his teacher made these delicious potato n cheese enchiladas!! yum

Monday, February 4, 2013

I want to Give a Huge thank you to all of you who have contributed to Everett's Wheelchair fund! I Just found out that Chipin was purchased by another company and will be ending their service! The new company will not keep Chipin!! I must shut down the site for Donations before it is automatically deleted!
If you had planned on Donating to Everett's cause, please do so in the next two weeks! Again Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for your contributions to Everett's wheelchair and rehab cause!

A Huge Round of Applause and Thank You to The "Boardroom" of Santa Cruz who donated a $350. gift certificate to Everett. He had a good time picking out clothes at the store.
Thank you Terry Campion what an awesome man you are for making that donation. You and your crew are fine men and an excellent example to your community! Here we are with Terry the owner and  Jordan one of his associates, along with my daughter, Ev and my youngest son. Give Terry a shout out on his FB page or drop by his store and purchase some merchandise!