Monday, April 29, 2013

Holistic Medicine

Still taking my son to an acupuncturists, things are going really good.... So now I am seeing an acupuncturist/herbalists! She is fantastic,I totally recommend It, haven't felt this great in years! Amazing how one, one hour session brought new life to me.. not you all will feel this... but i went to another in the past and never got this type of results! Why am I telling you.. well I'm getting older and I need to continue to be there for my son and I need to be in tip top shape!! I won't be any good to my son If I continue to suffer from migraine headaches, hip pain, lower back pain and major fatigue!
In just one session I feel like a whole new person and I have no fatigue!!! Interested in where I went... Well the place is called Marco Polo's on 2nd St. in Morgan Hill.. Her name is Michelle, yes she is Chinese and a professor, she works on medical points and works to bring your Chi to full balance and my Chi was not moving, but it is now! amazing how our ailments can be seen on our tongues.. everything I knew that was wrong with me, she told me just by looking at my tongue!

So now on to Everett, He is walking better these days, some issues with the right side and not as bad as before. He walks with a cane and doing well. He gets tired and some pain in his back just from trying to stay upright and walk.... that little thing we all take advantage of. I never really thought about it until I watched my son trying to turn around, in an isle at the store, and he makes a giant circle just to turn around. Something we can all do very quickly in one spot.

Here's a fun Photo we took at Walmart today!! ha ha

We are still working on his memory : (   His past is still in the past... Short term is still not there either, but he tries very hard everyday, we constantly work on re-call everyday to help him to remember!!
Don't get me wrong he has memory, like Math.. I know really yup Math, and his favorite bands and lyrics. Choir he loves it and remembers all of the lyrics.. speaking is a small minor issue but when he sings... He sings like an Angel!!
Everett competed with his choir 2 weeks ago at University of San Luis Obispo, he did fabulous and the crown cheering him on his friends helped him to the top of the risers, it was such an emotional moment for me... he had just gotten is new AFO, leg brace, that week and it allowed him to stand for 30 minutes, it was magnificent a beautiful Miracle!!

This is a picture of his last big performance at the San Juan Bautista Mission. That is Ev with his good friend Jeffrey, Me and his Aunt and Grandma on his dads side. Ev standing down front during the concert.. There was no back to the risers so he stayed at the bottom.

Well I need to make dinner, please consider  making a donation towards Everett's medical bills, every bit helps.

Thank you Have a fabulous Evening!

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